Engage Employee: Creating psychological ownership is key for success with external workforce

I remember my first fractional client engagement where I felt whole heartedly part of the team and organisation.

What was it that made me feel that way?

At the time, I didn't know, but I now know from my research, I was experiencing this thing called 'Psychological Ownership'.

I don't know if you can relate but this was a sense that I really belonged in the organisation I was working with and they felt the same way too.

There was a sense of ownership and connectedness, despite no employment contract. This relationship lasted years and years.

I've also experienced the opposite - when this was missing. Those relationships only lasted a short time. I always felt I was on the outside.

In my article for Engage Employee, I share the key ingredients for building psychological ownership in relationships.

I'd love to know what you think? When it comes to working relationships, what is it that makes you feel really engaged and connected over the LT?


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