A passionate and energetic speaker

I draw on the latest thinking and my research to inform and motivate your audience. To enquire about a speaking engagement please fill out the form below.

Speaking topics

  • Learn what it takes to gain your freedom from corporate life. I share the key C-suite personas suited to portfolio working, what’s attractive about it, what’s not, the personal virtues required, and how to make it work to gain your personal freedom.

  • The C-suite hasn’t had a shake-up since the 1980s. Organisations are adding more and more C-suite functions and creating C-suite hierarchies to address the increasing pace of change and stay competitive. This, combined with the C-suite's disillusionment with the never ending corporate agenda, is leading us to search for alternative and better ways to engage our senior teams. Hear how business leaders can embrace the access economy for more sustainable futures.

  • The firm of C-suite providers is a new type of organisation providing a home and sense of belonging for C-suite talent working in teams in the access economy. These senior executives are self-employed offering their services on a fractional and part-time basis. Learn how this way of working is different to the traditional employment model and requires a new style leadership.

  • Developing long-term value adding relationships in the access economy relies on building the Roots and Routes of Psychological Ownership. Understand how relationships can become solid and enduring while set within a flexible, fit-for-purpose structure - giving your organisation the best of all worlds.

  • As a C-suite portfolio professional in the access economy, your success or failure depends on the quality of your client relationships. Master how to road-test your client engagement and management skills using the Strategy and Leadership as Service framework - the Four Rs.

  • The number of SMEs engaging fractional C-suite professionals is increasing, yet they are still tempted to hop back onto the employment model as soon as they can afford it. Grasp how mid-to-large corporates can also benefit from the C-suite access economy to manage risk and gain access to deeper C-suite talent pools with dynamic capabilities.

The Spotify of the C-Suite

Here is a sneak peak of my presentation at the 2024 People Puzzles Conference where I discussed the findings from my research into the Access Economy for the C-suite

Psychological Ownership is the killer app

At the recent CFO Centre Conference I shared the key ingredient for ensuring relationships last over the long-run in the access economy.

C-Suite professionals who want to work and live differently

At my Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) presentation, I discussed the formula for CFOs to future-proof their careers with portfolio and part-time work. I revealed how they can attain the trifecta: freedom of choice, work-life balance, and the cream on top.