Building the Industry for the Access Economy C-Suite

The access economy for the C-suite is in its infancy and growing fast.

It provides a carefully designed solution for SME business owners who don’t want, don’t need, or can’t afford a full-time C-suite professional but recognise they need the skillset (SME Solution).

Importantly, it also meets the needs of growing numbers of C-suite professionals who want to live and work differently.

This framework, which uses Psychological Ownership as the catalyst for change, shows how larger businesses can also access C-suite skills. Initially, as the industry develops, this will be as support for their employed C-suite providing a joined-up service to fill capacity and skillset gaps (Peer Solution), and then as a full substitute for a fixed C-suite (Full Team Solution).

Our current thinking around how to organise the C-suite hasn’t had a shake-up for decades. The access economy C-suite is a working and viable contender for now … and the future.

To learn more order yourself a copy of “Strategy and Leadership as Service”